Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Good leftovers! Chicken, edamame, and noodles

Yesterday, for dinner, I just nuked the chicken legs and served (they still tasted great). Before that, however, I boiled some water, added some noodles (the butterfly kind) and cooked until al dente (can't stand over cooked pasta!).

While the noodles drained in the colander, I put a dollop of butter in the noodle pot and grated fresh, imported Parmesan cheese (the best!) but whatever kind of Parmesan cheese is fine (I'm not the snooty sort). Dump the noodles back in the pan, drizzle a little olive oil, sprinkle some salt, add some fresh pepper and the Parmesan -- stir gently. Oooh -- I almost forgot, a bit a nutmeg, too (freshly grated is better -- but I didn't have any on hand). Adjust for seasonings and wallah! It's done. (Of course, whole grain noodles would be healthier, but I just haven't found a brand that tastes very good.)

I popped a tray of edamame (bought frozen in bulk from Costco) in the microwave (after poking some wholes in the top) and served it along with the chicken and noodles. Not the most sophisticated meals, but it's easy, frugal, nutritious, and the kids enjoyed it!

I also served a couple of sliced, fresh pears with the meal (I'm always trying to figure out how to get more fruits and veggies into my kids). I also always try to have fruit out for snacking -- yesterday I had a bowl of delicious grapes.

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